MIL-DTL-0060982C (AR)
6.5.3 Major defect. A major defect is a defect, other than critical, that is likely to result in
failure or to reduce materially the usability of the unit of product for its intended purpose.
6.5.4 Minor defect. A minor defect is a defect that is not likely to reduce materially the
usability of the unit of product for its intended purpose or is a departure from established
standards having little bearing on the effective use or operation of the unit.
6.6 Dimensional check. If the requirement cannot be met in the free state, the "'go" inside
diameter plug gage may be inserted in the cartridge case while inspecting the "go" and "no go"
second largest outside diameter. If the "go" inside diameter plug is utilized, the data cards shall be
annotated accordingly.
6.7 Diameter check. If the requirement cannot be met in the free state, a confining fixture
may be utilized while inspecting the "go" and "no go" largest inside diameter. If the confining
fixture is utilized, the data cards shall be annotated accordingly.
6.8 Critical Inspection Equipment
6.8.1 System Reliability. The contractor shall provide for each defect identified as critical, a
manufacturing and inspection system that assures no more than one in a million contain the
defect. This shall be assured by controlling the maximum defect rate produced and the error rate
of the inspection equipment such that the product of the two terms is less than one in a million.
6.8.2 Maximum defect rate produced. The maximum defect rate produced shall be defined
as the largest defect rate expected for the characteristic of concern on a monthly or lot basis. The
contractor shall establish the maximum defect rate, however, it may not exceed one percent
without approval of the procuring contracting officer. Once established, the contractor shall
monitor the defect rate to assure it does not exceed the maximum rate allotted. If the established
maximum defect rate is exceeded, the production of that feature shall be terminated until the
cause is determined and corrected. Additionally, all products for that period of time shall be
rejected and re-inspected.
6.8.3 Maximum error rate of the inspection system. The error rate of the inspection
equipment shall be defined as the expected ratio of the number of defective parts accepted to the
number of defective parts inspected by the equipment. The contractor, to meet the system
reliability as defined in 6.8.1, defines the maximum error rate allowed. However, it may not
exceed 1/500 without approval of the procuring contracting officer. Based on the maximum error
rate defined for the equipment, the contractor shall develop a demonstration test procedure to
demonstrate the error rate of the equipment. The test shall be performed using defective parts or
reject standards. No part or standard shall be accepted during the test. If a part or standard is
accepted, the cause for failure shall be isolated and corrected and the test rerun. Unless otherwise
specified in the detailed item specification, the minimum number of test samples to be run shall
be equal to 0.7 divided by the error rate (e.g. If the required error rate is 1/1000, the sample size
would be 0.7 divided by (1/1000) = 700.)
6.8.4 Periodic verification. Periodic verification of the system error rate shall be performed.
6.8.5 Redundant inspection equipment. The contractor may elect to use redundant
inspection equipment in lieu of using a single piece of equipment with a very low error rate.
Where redundant equipment is used, the inspection system error rate is defined as the error rates
of the multiple pieces of equipment multiplied together.
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