MIL-DTL-0060982C (AR)
4.5 Methods of inspection.
4.5.1 Ammunition lot numbering. Visually verify that an ammunition lot number has been
applied to each lot as described in MIL-STD-1168.
4.5.2 Hardness. The cartridge case shall be subjected to a Rockwell Hardness Test in
accordance with ASTM E18. Three (3) readings shall be taken approximately 120o apart. The
average of these readings shall meet the requirements of paragraph 3.3. If any individual reading
at the mouth of the case is a below 60 that case shall be considered a reject. This test is a
non-destructive test. Parts so tested may be returned to the lot.
4.5.3 Salt fog. The cartridge case shall be subjected to the salt fog test in accordance with
ASTM B117. This test shall be conducted for 72 hours. Salt solution shall be specified in 3.7.
This test is a destructive test. Parts so tested shall not be returned to the lot.
4.5.4 Process control inspection of bath temperature for anodic coating. Continuous
monitoring inspection shall be conducted for bath temperature requirement specified in 3.2. If the
bath temperature for a batch of parts does not comply with the applicable drawing requirement,
the batch shall be suitably identified, classed defective and removed from the lot.
4.5.5 Tensile properties of cartridge case. The shape of the specimen for determining
tensile strength shall be as specified on dwg. 9202576. The specimen shall be taken prior to
trimming and anodizing from a 0.75 inch wide hoop, 0.125 to 0.25 inch in from the mouth of the
cartridge case. The hoop shall be split, unrolled and cut to the required shape. The ends of
reduced section shall not differ in width by more than 0.002 inches. There may be a gradual taper
in width from the ends to the center but the width at either end shall not be more than 0.005 inch
greater than the width at the center. The ends of the specimen shall be symmetrical with the
center line of the reduced section within 0.05 inch. The test shall be conducted in accordance
with ASTM E8. Requirements are in accordance with section 3.5.
4.5.6 Anodic coating thickness. The equipment used to measure the thickness shall be a
permascope, type EC or equivalent and a measuring probe, type Ta or equivalent. Requirements
are in accordance with section 3.4. This test is a non-destructive test. Parts so tested may be
returned to the lot.
4.5.7 Inspection equipment. The inspection equipment required to perform the examination
and tests prescribed herein is described in the Inspection Method Column in the tables starting
with paragraph Inspection equipment used for acceptance of product shall be capable of
repeatable measurements, by various experienced inspection/test personnel, to an accuracy of
10% or better of the total tolerance of the characteristic being inspected. Any automated
acceptance inspection equipment (AAIE) prove-out shall be performed in accordance with MIL-
A-70625 (see 6.8).
4.5.8 Workmanship. Visually verify that all parts and assemblies meet requirements of
paragraph 3.8. Ultrasonic inspection of barstock. The test procedures, acceptance/rejection criteria
and equipment design shall be submitted for approval in accordance with 6.10.
5.1 Packaging. For acquisition purposes, the packaging requirements shall be as
specified in the contract or order (see 6.2). When packaging of materiel is to be
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