MIL-C- 46236
(Oral) Excess, Excess Pressure Phase. - The
cartridge case will be assembled as required for service use. The propellant
charge will be such as to produce the maximum chamber pressure permitted by
the proving ground. The complete round will be temperature conditioned at
plus 65 degrees F to plus 75 degrees F and fired in a serviceable weapon for
which the round is standard. The weapon will be operated in the service manner.
4,4.5.2 Production Sample Excess Pressure Phase. - The cartridges case
will be assembled into a complete round in the same manner as required for
service firing. The propellant charge will be such as to produce the chamber
pressure specified on the applicable drawing. The complete round will be
temperature conditioned at plus 65 degrees F to plus 75 degrees F and fired
in a servicable weapon for which the round is standard. The weapon will be
operated in the service manner.
5.1 Packing
5.1.1 Level A- Not applicable.
5.1.2 Level B- Not applicable.
5.1.3 Level C - Cartridge cases shall be packed in accordance with
requirements of drawing F-7548235.
5.2 Labeli ng and Marking. - Labeling and marking for shipment shall be
in accordance with MIL-P-10025.
5.3 Data Card. - Data card information shall be as specified in
specification MIL-G-2550.
6.1 It is not implied that cartridge cases that contain minimum tensile
strength values for all specimen. will function satisfactorily in ballistic test.
6.2 The term "extraction" shall mean that the fired cartridge case is
loosened and palled to the rear of the weapon sufficiently to permit removal
by hand.
6.3 The term "ejected" shall mean that the cartridge case is thrown free
of the breech of the weapon to permit loading of the subsequent round.
6.4 Mercurous Nitrate - The pickling of cases in 40 percent nitric acid
must be done under laboratory conditions by experienced technicians.
ventilation is assential, including suitable apparatus for the work. The
removal of metallic mercury from the case must be done in a well ventilated
area under a hood or exhaust fan. Technicians should avoid breathing in these
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